fART in oaty's property

oaty comunist

Peppino go brrrr

Timelapse is gonna be posted later


Here's the timelapse

Im prob gonna from now on save timelapse after i post a drawing

I stole @Valischli 's idea


Now isnt that unexpected

I only drew his because i listend to unexpactancy with lyrics.

Oatys ref sheet cuz yes

Imma try to draw Vivian in a different style every day for the rest of the month ✍

My honest reaction to dislikers of the pink/red-green complimentary combo:

Help, my art style is getting to- huhh.... this feels familiar..

... ..

I wonder why?

❇Third time's the charm!❇

Art trade with the oat ever (@oat_man666 )

Left he drew my skelly oc, er er er (lowkey fire doeπŸ—£πŸ”₯πŸ”₯)

(Also got to name his oc 'Toodles', shouldn't have done that buddy πŸ’€)

Doing the funi